Practice Newsletter Autumn 2024

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Welcome to the autumn edition of our newsletter for Cowfold and Partridge Green patients.

The surgery will be closed on Wednesday 16th October from 12.30-18.30pm for us to enable full staff training. If you have an urgent query, please telephone 01293 698088. In the event of a medical emergency such as chest pain or suspected stroke, please dial 999 for an ambulance. Otherwise please dial NHS 111. The surgery will reopen as normal on Thursday 17th October.

Following on from our patient survey earlier in the year, we are aiming to run another survey in October/November to compare the results from both surveys.

In the first half of this year we have had 3 Patient Participation Group meetings and have been very happy to welcome new members to the group. Going forward we will be meeting across the year to work together to help both the patients and staff to provide a good service
for our patients. Our next meeting is on 22nd October at 6.30pm at Cowfold Surgery. If you would like to join the PPG – please contact Louise McMeeking our Deputy Practice Manager or tell one of the Reception team. We look forward to seeing you.


Ann Wilson our Carer Lead and Heidi Robyns our Care Coordinator hosted an informal carers support evening on Tuesday 10th September. The aim of the evening was to offer support and advice to anyone who is looking after someone else. The meeting was fully attended but we hope to offer another one at the beginning of next year. If you are looking after someone and would like some support, please ask at Reception for our Carer Referral form to complete or complete the online form on our website. Once this has been done either Ann or Heidi will be in touch to see what support and advice they can offer. If you would like to be invited to the next Carers support evening, please make sure you register at the surgery.

Sadly we will be saying goodbye to Gail who has been with the practice over the summer months to help with appointment capacity. We would like to say thank you to Gail and wish her all the best for the future. She will be greatly missed!

On a happier note, we are pleased to inform you that Dr Joseph Russell joined the practice on Wednesday 21st August. He will be working all day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Thursday mornings. Dr Russell will be working at both Partridge Green and Cowfold surgeries. We asked Dr Russell to introduce himself:

It has been a great pleasure to begin working at Cowfold and Partridge Green. Thank you for the warm welcome you have given me. After growing up in Birmingham, I went to medical school in Cardiff before moving to London and subsequently Lindfield where I now live with my wife and 5 children. When I am not working I enjoy spending as much time as possible outdoors – walking the downs, playing 5-a-side football or taking the children for bike rides. I am looking forward to meeting many of you in the future and I hope I can be of help to you in the coming years”.

We would also like to welcome our new practice nurse Jayne who will be joining the practice in the middle of September. Jayne will be working on Monday and Tuesday mornings.

As previously mentioned, we are still waiting to find out when we will be updating our telephone system. We will keep you informed of the date when we know it. We have had to wait for our IT migration before we can install the telephones. Hopefully once this has been done we will be able to arrange a date for the telephone system to switch over. This will benefit patients when the system is up and running but we expect a few teething problems along the way. Our Reception team will need training for the new system so we ask again for your patience and kindness when you telephone to book an appointment.

The NHS is offering more options to enable you to make choices that best suit your circumstances and giving you greater control of your care. If your GP needs to refer you to hospital you have the right to choose the hospital or service you would like to go to. When you are referred our Admin Team will choose 5 possible hospitals for you to be seen. You will then receive a letter, email or message through the NHS App with instructions on how to book your appointment. If you do not have the internet there will be a telephone number on your
letter that you can telephone to book. Most people want to be seen at the nearest hospital. Some people would want the shortest waiting time. If you choose a hospital which is not local to you, please bear in mind that all your clinic appointments and treatment will be at that
hospital going forward.


We would be grateful if you could not park too close to the hedge at Cowfold Surgery. Our neighbours have reported some cars are parking very close up to their fence which has been damaged. Many thanks for your cooperation.


Gro Health is a free digital weight management programme (available as an app or on the web) which is available to people living and working in West Sussex. It supports people to lose weight through a science backed approach to physical and mental health. The platform provides tailored education, recipes and one-to-one health coaching based on individual dietary preferences to make losing weight easy and sustainable.

Katharine Horwood our Health Care Assistant has tried out the app and has agreed to tell us about it:

“I admit I was sceptical when I heard there was a new NHS approved app FREE to anyone working or living in West Sussex.  Well, I am pleased to say after following the login procedures on the posters displayed in both surgeries, I inputted the code to get past the usual try here for trial free period, it does indeed seem to be free.

I even had a friendly phone call asking if I needed assistance getting started and a few emails since encouraging me to persevere.  Every Wednesday between 5-5.30pm there is a GRO Health on-boarding session to learn about the features via 200M link.  They have a Monday night meet up at 6pm for a community chat.  A “weigh in Wednesday” again at 6pm.  You can even have individual meet ups with life coaches at 12pm weekdays zoom or telephone.

At the moment I am quite content checking out the numerous podcasts from “the dangers of processed foods” to “how to improve your sleep” whilst trying out recipes with their cook-a-long demonstrations.  There is also guided meditation and yoga for all abilities and weights work outs.

There are places to log your meals, track your health and even sync your FitBit devices.  I might need a lie down before attempting those!!

What have you got to lose?  Well apart from a few pounds……. In weight only!!


Organ Donation Week – 23-29 September

Organ donation week is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of organ donation and encouraging people to discuss their organ donation decisions with loved ones. The week serves as a platform to highlight the life saving impact of organ donation and increase the number of people on the organ donation register.

How to Get Involved

There are several ways to participate in Organ Donation Week.

You could join the organ donation register if you haven’t already. Your decision to donate can save or improve the lives of up to 9 people.

Have the conversation: Talk to your family about your organ donation wishes. Making your decision known to loved ones is essential as they are often asked to confirm your wishes after death. For more information please visit the following website:

Blood Pressure UK – Know Your Numbers!

Know Your Numbers! raises awareness of high blood pressure, encouraging all UK adults to get a blood pressure check.

Did you know that 6 million people in the UK have high blood pressure and don’t know it. Everyday in the UK 350 people have a stroke or heart attack that could have been prevented. Blood Pressure UK believe every adult in the UK should know their blood pressure numbers in the same way they know their height and weight. When you Know Your Numbers! you can take steps to look after your blood pressure and lead a long and healthy life.

We have a blood pressure machine in the Reception area at Cowfold Surgery which is free to use for all patients. We also have some information on our notice board at Cowfold Surgery and questions that have been answered about high blood pressure.

Sepsis Awareness Month

Every year SEPSIS takes the lives of thousands and leave countless others facing long term complications. It is a condition that requires immediate attention. SEPSIS kills more people than breast, bowel and prostate cancer combined but it is often treatable if caught early.


STOPTOBER is an annual campaign based on evidence that if a smoker makes it to 28 days smoke free, they are five times more likely to quit for good.

Quitting Tips:

  1. List your reasons to quit
  2. Tell people you are quitting
  3. If you have tried to quit before, remember what worked
  4. Use stop smoking aids
  5. Have a plan if you are tempted to smoke
  6. List your smoking triggers and avoid them
  7. Keep cravings at bay by keeping busy
  8. Exercise away the urge

If you would like further help and support, please telephone the surgery to book an appointment with Katharine, our Health Care Assistant.


Every October communities come together to recognise breast cancer awareness month, a National Campaign that promotes breast cancer awareness, education, screening and fundraising and more. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Every 10 minutes someone hears the words “you have breast cancer”



World Menopause Day is held each year on October 18th to raise awareness, break the stigma and share support available for improving health and wellbeing for those experiencing menopause.

The Menopause Charity was set up to educate everybody so that perimenopause and menopause are properly understood. Unfortunately, no two menopause stories are the same which contributes to a lack of understanding. They have some very good leaflets about the menopause on their website at You can also book a routine appointment with Dr Bascombe or Dr Carter to discuss this further.